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Physical Science

Artical #1:

For this assignment we had to type a formal lab report for the Penny Lab. This lab we completed in class, however we had to add a conclusion, and type all of our data.


































By doing this assignment for the Penny Lab, I learned that in order to get a good grade on the formal labs, I would need to start it multiple days before the due date. I learned this because I started it the night before expecting it to only take me twenty minutes, however that was not the case. I noticed that the formal lab took more time because there are questions that are difficult to answer. Now, I start it many days before to insure that if I have any questions, I can be sure to get them answered.


Article #2:

For the egg drop project, we were asked to create a device that would keep an egg safe when dropped.
















I learned a lot from the Egg Drop Project. I came up with my idea two weeks before it was due. Then, I waited until I had two days left to actually make the device. This caused a few issues. The first was the idea didn't work. The second was the next seven ideas I made also didn't work. This taught me that I need to always expect my first few ideas will not work. I needed more time, which means I should have started making the device earlier.















































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